Saturday, June 28, 2008

What Do You Like About Emu Stinger Lo

[Prince of Tennis] Eterofania - Part B [Idea # 6]

Nickname: [info] kimbnr [info]
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Characters: Sanada & Atobe Keigo Gen'ichiro
+ theme List: # 8 Unavowable - Idea # 6
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: (c) Konomi Takeshi
series Notes: l ' entire series will be shonen Notes to the friendly
fic: the game set during unofficial Atobe / Sanada (From the Rikkai)
Short summary: All the normal things in a game of tennis. All of us are accustomed to.

The tense muscles of the arms, a clear contraction of the nerves under the skin. The sudden release of the ankles, flexion of the wrist. The shape is a bit 'curved and slightly labored breathing. The trickle of sweat along his temple, his hair tousled and wet.
All normal things, in a game of tennis. All of us are accustomed to. We all go sooner or later, some more often than others. The player who now faces probably belongs to the latter category, but that does not make an exception. Sanada same passes often, so it must be normal.
eagle. And red. Sanada
Yet he knows that there are two exceptions which escape this rule. The first is his captain, despite having trained for years together, Sanada is hard to remember the times when Seichi has shown that ... so. Why Seichi is always fresh, rested and still. Or rather, does not give the impression of moving and simply where to look. Seichi does not move; Seichi flows. It routs, effortlessly. Seichi, as an orderly wave, flood flows like liquid cement
Glue? Perhaps the sun is playing tricks on me. The
second exception to these rules is that of the Seigaku Tezuka. Tezuka, who does not move a foot from where it is, and where the balls go spontaneously, and its Tezuka Zone.
But in the end, even Seichi and Tezuka have had their critical moments, they also found themselves drenched in sweat and panting. What is certain is that neither of them had made the effect that he is doing his current opponent.
So, Vivid Red. And an eagle.
No player and nothing had ever impressed him in something so radical. And he is coming no doubt that in reality the match by itself little towns.
's just that now knows Sanada. He knows that Atobe is warm, you know that there is under the shirt. He knows that is a real person, not what she wears. He knows how to react if his skin is touched, and that gives sensation to the touch. Know and can not help but wonder how it is now, Atobe's skin is soft and cozy and dangerous as that night, or too tight as the rest, forget the kindness that has been able to prove. This was recognized? Or did not care, it's the same person who kissed?
And Atobe? Atobe remember him? He had also un'etorofania him that night? Or has not linked the two, fails to realize that it is always Sanada? And in case you know, how can handle this truth? Reflecting him to cleave the air with his racket, when the instinct should prompt us to bypass the network approach and touch Sanada again, and just do that as if he had never done anything in his life?
What are you doing, asks Sanada, and does not understand, but continues to play, because he has never done anything in his life, and now has an opponent in front of him and the opponents should be culled.
little importance that there is more, under the shirt because the shirt is all that matters on a tennis court. So Red, so alive.
The ball hits the ground behind him; Sanada does not understand.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Difference Between Clear Step And Invisalign

[Supernatural] My Brother's Keeper [Coincidences: # 2 Same Time]

Nickname: Fae ( [info] faechan )
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, John Winchester and Mary
List + subject: Lisa # 7: Coincidences, Theme # 2: same time
Rating: G
Notes: pre-series, baby! Dean & Sam, fluff \u0026lt;3
Short summary: "E 'Sammy, I heard crying and I woke up. I wake up at this all the time! "

My Brother's Keeper

Monday, June 2, 2008

Are Jpee Drugs Almee-1 Alprazolam Tablets Real?

[Saiyuki] Waiting for the dawn [List # 2 Rainbow] [Theme # 6 Indigo]

Title: Waiting for the dawn
Author: [info] shariaruna [info]
Fandom: Saiyuki
Characters: Goku, Sanzo, Hakkai, Gojyo
Rating: PG
List + Theme: # 2 Rainbow List , Theme # 6 Indigo.
Note: One-shot , Hakkai centric Angst! - Angst because it is beautiful and even a worm 20 and 21 are so angst that I can not worship them. This, however, would be a moment missing the clash between Hakkai demonized version / Seiten and the awakening of Goku.
Credits: The final quote is then Gaiden copyright of Sensei. Far be it from me to grab it. And no really do not have it put there because they are in mourning Gaiden, not really. ç______ç
Disclaimer: Saiyuki boys If I belong here but I would not be hidden with them in some secluded retreat i n order to rape them without interference. Writing this story is not in it for a dime, but at least I enjoy X3

( Waiting for the dawn )