Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Blades Game Seriel Number

[Original] Go, let it out. [Theme # 1, Mother]

Title: Go, let it out.
Author: Izzie { [info] izzieanne }
Fandom: Original .
Characters: The Family Corsano.
List + topic: List # 11, Family ; Theme # 1, Mother
Rating: PG
Notes: Introspection slightly nonsense. Dedicated to [info] eowie - betata for it, read and reread, for the title and for the advice - and [info] yoruko89 - for reading primary education, having suggested the name of this family and to be, in general, my drug dealer's name.
Short summary: Its just a mask. But if you go around, no one would believe: he has worn for too long.

Go, let it out.


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