Friday, January 23, 2009

How Long To Recover From Cyst That Burst

Gaza Good morning! 3

The Little-endians

Even the Israelis have their own troubles. The war game was aimed at stopping the rocket fire, but strangely during the war the number of rockets has increased considerably . I wonder why. It will be because during the attacks men, women, old people, children and animals they shot against the invader? It matters little, the important thing is that Israel now finally feels safe in its territory.

Israel is always part of what he says " not my fault, I did not want to come, I do not like Palestine! . The justification put forward is that forever: "if Canada were to launch rockets to the U.S. Americans would not hesitate to attack the Canada." Right, true, sacrosanct. Only now that I've aged hearing this litany for years, and I begin to have memory problems: what did the Americans last rocket Canadian ? .

Israel attacks Gaza in the same way you remove the ice from the windshield car in the morning. It 's a problem, of course, but it's just something that happens naturally, behind which there is no entity responsible. And this is terribly irritating the Palestinians is good to be attacked, they say, but at least riconosceteci as enemies!

But no . Israel began the war ends and when it wants, without ads, without even alert you when the curtains rise. We did what we had to do, hello. Indeed, "Hello" does not say either. They do not speak when they start the war to the enemy, speak to the world. Their opponents do not even recognize the dignity of the opponent. Hamas is a terrorist group and that's it. He does not deserve dialogue. And the Palestinians upset: after all, Hamas was elected democratically . Of course, a democracy that elected a terrorist group is very strange, but we Italians have no way to teach democracy. At least until Mediaset not invade Iraq.

After all the hubbub at the end of operations Livni said to be at peace with itself . You will understand, it takes time. The problem is being at peace with the 1300 deaths that it has caused. They say that you really want to interrupt operations for days already. Yes, of course: not to miss the international consensus and not risk votes for upcoming elections. What a magnanimous spirit, for a moment I feared that you would do it selfishly to avoid further bloodshed.

E 'Olmert was, instead, to demand that the operations continue. He does not think even the elections, because if you take fewer votes to reapply Mastella. And so the war continued. It must be terrible to die because a politician decides not to run again. In Italy for 60 years when a politician decides not to run is a party. In Palestine, a disaster.



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