Friday, January 16, 2009

Ts400stihl Can You Change 12 To 14 Guard

Gaza Good morning!

Here we go again.

more or less regular intervals a new war breaks out in the old struggle between Israelis and Palestinians. For goodness sake, not that between shots and the other there is a real peace , but the war formally began when Israel decides to begin in earnest.

Since then, the Israelis declare officially tired of stones (at best) or rockets (when it's bad) Palestinians, and Palestinians responding to acts of war to the same extent. Obviously, the Israelis have no good sense of proportion, if they meet with aviation and ground invasion to stone throwing. But you know, everybody makes war with what he has.

Every war has its logical absurdity, but a war of this kind, so long ingrained, hateful, is close to madness . So away with the daily tumult of absurdity. The call

It is said that Israel wants to hit not only Hamas and the Palestinians, so that the plane dropped leaflets warning before bombing, or even mobile to families living in homes to be bombed. I tried to imagine how they could be these calls.

- (Phone Ringing) Hello?
- Good morning ma'am, my name is Joshua Ibrahimovic the Israeli defense ministry, has time to respond to a short telephone survey ....?
- ... What? Oh look, we have already done with Tiscali ADSL Arabia and we are well ...
- No, no, ma'am, did not understand, I just wanted to ask a few questions for a poll ...
- ... Huh? Ah, well, really, I have dinner on the stove ... and the children they have hurt playing the small kamikaze ... vol perhaps another ...
- But do not worry, ma'am, I will be very short ...
- ... Ah ... and that's fine ... Say ...
- Thank you very much, ma'am.
Madam, in your opinion, if airstrike on his house ...
- Air Attack ... ... on my home??
- Yes, sir, but do not worry ... Our government only wants to do a survey to understand the habits of life of our Palestinian neighbors ...
- Neighbours ... Ah, yes ... I understand ...
- Good. I said, in the case of air attack on his home ...
- Yes ... ..
- .... how long it takes to to rescue his family ?
- Mah ... .... What a question .... I have no idea, I never thought ... But why I ask this question?
- Um, here ... see ... I do not know how to say ..... The fact is ... we ordered by mistake to a Falcon to hit his home ...
- EHHHH ?????
- No, do not worry ma'am, we will immediately stop the operation! We have already sent a text message to the pilot .... only that we think has the mobile phone battery!
- Mobile phone outlet?? But how is it possible?
- Yes, sir, the fool continues to use an old phone because he says that gave him his first wife ... which also made him well horns ... and then the battery is old, you download all the time ... look, that effort can not imagine working with that guy there ... we could never touch once when you need it ... I think once even did not know how to do even ...
- SO??
- so? Ah, yes .... so if things stay that way, his family is in danger , why should a rocket hit his house, say .... in about ...

- (terrible din)

- ... damn, I'm not good was never good at math ... So, if you now have eight twenty, quarter of an hour ago they were ...
but then ... strange, but ... Home lady should already be ... as you can ...
- (Tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu)
- Lady? Madam, it is still online? Lady ??........ A phone call

prolongs life, if you find a used clumsy.

But fear not, friends, scenes like this do not happen again. The Italian government is working hard to correct the problem. Using the full diplomatic weight of his ministers, will send a peace mission Brunetta, which, as was done in Italy, even in Israel will be able to put civil servants in line, real scourge of the Middle East.



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