Saturday, October 11, 2008

Amd Duron 700 Mhz übertakten

[Original] You're good at escaping. [Theme # 4, Sister]

Title: 're good at escaping.
Author: Izzie { [info] izzieanne }
Beta: [info] eowie {♥}
Fandom: Original .
Characters: The Family Corsano.
List + topic: List # 11, Family , Theme # 4, Sister @ [info] settemi_ita
Rating: PG
Notes: is a kind of experiment, which failed completely. The site because I feel better than this could not come and because I worked on that any other type of intervention, the only corrode. I dedicate it entirely to
[info] , hoping that I forgive the time it took me to find a story suitable to be dedicated. ♥ ♥ ♥
The title was obviously found by [info] eowie , in a song by the Foo Fighters.
Short summary: So, before his escape, remained with only two possibilities.


're good at escaping.


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