Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Drying Oxford Shirt Shrink


nothing to be understood not to blow up the so-called fly on the nose ... but hell it could be a quiet day with his ugly side and those nice ... But no ... everything always has to go to hell .. but why? I can not do much just keep waiting and hoping to pass this time .. it ends with a misunderstanding on my part ... but god how hard it is to keep going on like this ...

Angels without wings
(M. Riva)
my lady Come, come I'll take you away
away from here
Beautiful madness come to breathe slowly,
come away from this hell
How are you oh how are you

And you will see that this winter will see that we 'll
to live a free life, free from these walls
, free
happier, safer
And if you believe it, if you
then there gonna be great,
understand what you want,
find that winning is not so important, important

Run my love, that we run away run

fairy tales a little 'poetry
perhaps it will seem strange
In an' island in the sky, oh where do you go where you go

Maybe now it seems stupid but you know that us-
become angels, angels without wings, angels
certainly all the same!
Because dreams do not steal,
the dreams are to become great
But even a dream what you want then
perhaps even that is not so important! Important
that cos' it!?

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Watch The Pinky And The Brain Online

Maybe I fucked up !!!!! Just calm

Due to violent music and little loved (by others) by Marilyn Manson I feel better .. empty ... yes ... I'll be sbattutta on this damn chair ... Turning the page ... engulfing thoughts .. holding back tears ... tomorrow wear another mask ... basically what ever happened? you're only been disappointed one more time .. joke ... deceived .. and what you wonder? is not always the way it goes, perhaps? You are wrong for a change .. 've seen it all wrong .. well, you're always in time to reverse the order of things ... you help those who lack the courage to speak thou answer to your question reads both roles infuse you do not need to know the answers as to who should better give them to you ... I've also tried .. others who know better yourself ... and already .. but what's the point? for nothing ... infuse you are not able to avoid anything ... nothing ... I will pass this ... Are you the dog that bites but do not ever ... this is your nature .. love unconditionally without reservation, without any brakes too ... ... you did too ... it is time to do anything? it is time to devote attention to those who gestures with sudden give you more excitement? think .... I think ... unfounded and just a sweet dream ...
Sweet Dreams Are Made Of These
Who am I to disagree?
Travelled the world
And the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something
Some Of Them Want To Use You
Some Of Them want to get used by you
Some Of Them Want to abuse you
Some Of Them Want To Be Abused

Aircraft Wrecked For Sale

am a moron right? I put you first of all ... are waiting for something that does not happen ... and that's fine ... I understand ... But I expected something more for you ... more staff ... something that only you were able to do .. But no .. you behaved as does another person ... but he's always been like this ... only idiots like me can stand all day waiting to hear ... well, now we do cross over ... I'm steady .. I will pass this ... but I thought you were different from now I'll learn .. Single ... Special ... I was wrong .. once you were ... you were really ... goes well, what sense does it talk about it now ... I exaggerate? I do a tragedy where nothing happened? lever that I have nothing to live certain emotions and not you ... not try .. you do not want what I have to offer ... ok let's not around ... 've played ... pity that I did not know ... now would be different .. it makes me cry ... I feel that I would die just to 2 seconds ... is not true that I have to go to score points ... why do not you ever started to score anything ... You can not even imagine how many thoughts are crossing my mind ... many fears are taking life ...

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Noma Programmable Thermostat Instructions


IFS Type \u0026lt;/ font>

Orientation \u0026lt;/ font> dominant function \u0026lt;/ font> function of support \u0026lt;/ font> third function \u0026lt;/ font> Function less \u0026lt;/ font> Outlook \u0026lt;/ font>
Introvert \u0026lt;/ font> Feelings \u0026lt;/ font> Feeling \u0026lt;/ font> Intuition \u0026lt;/ font> Thought \u0026lt;/ font> Judges \u0026lt;/ font>

High reliability, realism and honesty are the three words that characterize this type introverted feeling. It is very practical and pragmatic and knows how to finish the right way (even personal) things to do. He does not like the news and has a marked impatience with the changes. It fits very well with routine. He has an extraordinary ability to pay attention to what happens in this: it is not a dreamer or a particularly imaginative. Generally has an excellent memory, especially for events that are related to people. It can be a real database alive! It has a well-differentiated scale of values that allows it to assess the situation with wisdom and conduct of the people. It is a person with personal warmth, kind and generous. If you have the opportunity to do so, try to help others, always in a concrete and not in words. Attaches great importance to harmony between people. He hates having to collide with someone and do not even tries to be accommodating. The others can sometimes take unfair advantage of this attitude. However, it is tolerant until they are called into question his fundamental values. Once past that point it becomes hard and it is virtually impossible to budge from its positions. Its function is lower than thought. It is not particularly affected by an analytical approach, cold and impersonal, just as it is brought to the abstract reasoning that have a low content of solids and concrete. It is a logical and rational person, but prefer quality to address these facts. It is uncomfortable when facing new problems or whether it should develop future scenarios. He does not trust intuition or inspiration. This distrust and anxiety for the future may paradoxically bring it to listen only to the insights negative, leads to a pessimistic attitude towards innovation and change. He loves nature and is often skilled in manual labor. Prefers to stay in familiar surroundings. Very attached to his house. In terms of work, in addition to reliability, is very loyal to the group or organization for which he works. Try to help the team instead of wanting to emerge at the expense of others. \u0026lt;/ Font>

Great Welcome Anniversary Speeches


At this time I was supposed to be at work today .. but as always when programs do things go as I think .. I are also presented .. this morning at 9, 30 was already a hot monster ... I was late ... accompanied by my trusty mp3 player I got the first CD I had on hand ... Gackt and left, I would sincerely like I was not chosen for him .. I needed something strong and energetic ... something to give vent to my anger .. rather than music so sweet they have done nothing but worsen the situation ... I walked with riabbioso step to fight back the tears too protent asked to leave .. I arrived at the call center was in a pitiful to say the least ... To make things worse on my desk bet the air was the air conditioner to 14 degrees ... was a thermal scok .. I do not know ... fact is that I felt bad .. I started making phone calls ... but my mouth was always dry .. more I drank do not know how many glasses of ice water ... then it was obvious that I felt bad ... I resisted very little .. I woke up I asked him to go ... I closed the pc greeted my sister who had recently joined in the other room and went out ... to know now I would not have done this .. I stayed in bed ...

Monday, June 14, 2004

Soul Train Dancer Sally

There .... Suspended

Would you grab it? want to know everything about me read in as if it were made of glass ... is not so ... upheavals are unfit to do everything ... makes me angry that you can never prove how much they can do ... to be worth ... damned in hell are smart gamba... mi agito ok? ma mi controllo...NON C'è NULLA CHE NON SONO IN GRADO DI FARE SE LO FACCIO SEGUENDO I MIEI TEMPI E NON I TUOI... ed ogni volta .. ogni dannatissimo giorno mi dico di cambiare... non sono una bambina... devo far invertire l'ordine delle cose...Devo riuscire a non dipendere da se continua così non ci riuscirò mai... di norma sono gli altri ad appoggiarsi a me e non viceversa e le cose non debbono cambiare... devo ... devo... Stare zitta e basta ...

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Ok To Use Woolite Be Used In He Washers

Ho solo voglia di piangere.. sarà colpa della colonna sonora che mi fa da sottofondo ma è questa la cruda verità... sono accadute troppe cose ieri .. in questi giorni .. cose che mi hanno lasciato senza forze.. che mi hanno stesa ... cose che non immaginavo neanche lontanamente that may occur .. and now I do not know what to do ... and for someone like me who want to have control over things that hates surprises, because life has made me far too much and bad ... is a problem is as if my center of gravity had been moved and then I look for someone who knows how to do what is right .. say .. someone to become a milestone for me ... someone who will always check whether the sun on my face is if a storm is in progress ... someone with an immense patience ... maybe I should learn to behave the way God first before you go around the world to do damage ... I know someone who also punish because punishment I inflict I'm 10 times more to my sins ... I do not lose I can not ... character with my shit I always manage to mess it up ...

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Essential Oil Flea Killer

immoraldie @ 2004-06-10T23: 10:00

D Dreamy
E Entertaining
B Bashful
B Bouncy
I Intelligent
E Explosive

Name / Username:

Generator Name Acronym From

Wednesday, June 9, 2004

Linsey Dawn Mckenzie Red Bra


are days now that I think this thing .. and this evening for the first time I had the strength to carry it out let us take a nice break from all ... but above all we have 2 .. I must say that I act like I feel? perfect .. So why when I speak out loud and express what I think you will go out with the phrase: "This is the most stressful of all" Well I told you we can not feel fine every day ... I send text messages or do anything we should not instill rings ... NOTHING ... and how we should not justify anything even if he does it signed ... what the truth is hard to sustain it? Too bad you're not able to stand with me or at least you thought you could take refuge from the reality around you well, you're wrong ... and large ... at this moment I can not wait to reach the 14 so we put an end to this story ... you managed to survive until now been more focused on yourself 3 days .. will force you to play lead to address the situation or perhaps to get clarity in my perspective you've already done but do not have the courage to say ... we know that both are just a pastime a vehicle that enables you to cross the river now it is almost to the shore and even if you bathe a little bit will not hurt ... sorry if I come back .. excuse Now if I just did not want to think about ... standoti next and I could not do it that's why you say goodbye I do not feel no pain neither hate nor resentment is only the result of something I've always known ... sin vivercela could well have ruined everything ... infuse we do not need anyone ... and you do not need me ... I hope I know how you do the right thing which is a single game and reset as you've always wanted to do ... as it deserves to love you and if so far neither of you has said anything because you know that family is not over ... some stories take breaks because they do not feel does nothing but raise the aspiration and will see you feel beautiful greens again tighten its look at her voice and rediscover the love that you thought awaken dormant ... call it these days if you're sick with me it is easier to review everything with you is like comparing a shirt with a dirty clean when you have to go out for a memorable evening ... I never will use ... are not for you you know ... I know ... the whole world cries .. and if you are silent it's because you're the first to know ... Perhaps it is not the proper way to speak to vent but I'm just like good and evil vomit all over my venom I know look in the bottom of the glass are prepared to pay my bill and walk away .. I do it Monday after I was for another day with you I would do more harm than start doing it today ... because if this is the last memory I want you I will always have that bitter taste in the mouth that does not like to try again ... so I will be easier to go forward instead of honey if you knew I would be hard to detach myself go mad in search of another dose .. so please let us scratching of evil making insulting as well as closing the phone today ... so do not try for me ... I will try ...

Friday, June 4, 2004

Myalgia And Influenza


Well you'll wonder what centered the onions ... simple metaphor to explain how people are made ... an infinite number of layers ... I could say that we are small matriosche but eventually the last one is empty does not contain anything .. is how to find or believe that within to each there is an immeasurable treasure but ... nothing then go to the next store to the disappointment and still nothing nothing at the end of last we have almost lost hope because I'm tired of the game and, although I can not find anything remains to observe the 7 or 8 pictures of themselves that they were created and you wonder how they can stay there all within a given that occupy so much space ... How many faces has a medal? 2 What a great awareness that wonderful certainty ... how many people take sides ... endless ... all this to say what? simply to mask other truths ... to describe and describe the reality around me .. My life is changing once again ... new job new hair color .. new emotional situation ... to be the only thing unchanged is my confusion ... my static in dealing with things ... I would like to change the world but change it just me that no one takes into account different views from those who live ... Put yourself in the shoes of others for once instead of complaining, try to listen to your complaints and sputatevi face alone ... ashamed to be so foolish and empty ... so taken by your lives falsely perfect ... the world is a huge whitewashed tomb ... as it always is repainting rot ... fetid breath of death ...